For perfectly balanced economical feeds...
Talk to the ingredient specialists
When you buy our quality cooked ingredients, you will enjoy the UK's most comprehensive range of Micronized Cereals, Pulses , Full Fat Soya's and straight ingredients, be it for Ruminant, Equine NOPs , Monogastric Diets or Companion Animals. As again we move into volatile markets, with much uncertainty, risk management is key. Let us manage that with bespoke contracting arrangements.

Micronizing is the name given to a cooking process that uses infrared rays to cook cereals,pulses and oilseeds at lower temperatures and for shorter times than other heating methods.

MMF deliver consistently high quality products to exacting specifications. The development, maintenance and revision of quality testing procedures ensure that all products continue to exceed expectations!

Masham Micronized Feeds is committed to helping our local economy. We buy as much raw material as we can direct from local farms through our crops to cash sceme.